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A MISCELLANY, 1st Series


Arensky, Bartok, Beethoven, Bizet, Chopin, 

Czerny, Debussy, Dvorak, Faure, 

Fischer, Gershwin, Hubay



Organization and Indexes


    As I explained in my introduction to this library I organize my ballet class repertory in three broad categories: “Adagio,” “3/4” and “2/4.”  These categories are subdivided into “Short,” “Long” and “Extended.”

    The Playlist of this album orders my miscellaneous arrangements by composer and catalog number, but I provide an Index By Type that orders the arrangements by “Adagio,” “3/4” and “2/4." 



Index By Type

NOTE 4 SEPTEMBER 2024: I will be publishing this website as a book.  I am no longer providing free pdf's of the scores

Piano Scores available @



Short 3/4 Adagio: Bartok sz 56 #3, Variation 1, 4 sets of 8 (track 2)

Long 3/4 Adagio: Bartok sz 56 #4, Adaptation, 8 sets of 8 (track 4)

Long 3/4 Adagio: Bizet L’Arlesienne Suite 2, Intermezzo, Variation, 8 sets of 8 (track 11)

Long 3/4 Adagio: Debussy “Beau Soir,” Variation, 8 sets of 8 (track 16)

Long 3/4 Adagio: Fischer Keyboard Suite no. 2, Adaptation, 8 sets of 8 (track 23)

Long 4/4 Adagio: Chopin op 65, iii, Variation, 8 sets of 8 (track 13)

Extended 3/4 Adagio: Arensky op 32, iii, Variation, 16 sets of 8 (track 1)

Extended 4/4 Adagio: Dvorak op 101 #7, Adaptation, 16 sets of 8 (track 21)

Extended 4/4 Adagio: Gershwin Piano Concerto, Adaptation, 16 sets of 8 (track 24)



Siciliano: Faure Op 48, “Libera Me,” Variation, 8 sets of 8 (track 22)

Pirouettes (Mazurka): Czerny Op 355 #36, 16 sets of 8 (track 15)

Pirouettes (Character): Bizet Carmen, Gypsy Song, Adaptation 1, 32 sets of 8 (track 7)

Petit Allegro in 3: Dvorak Op 46 #1, Adaptation, 16 sets of 8 (track 17)

Grand Allegro: Bizet Carmen, Act 3 Entr’acte, Adaptation, 32 sets of 8 (track 9)



Coda: Hubay “Hejre Kati, ” Adaptation, 32 sets of 8 (track 26)

Czardas: Dvorak op 72 #2, Variation 1, 4 slow sets of 8, 8 fast sets of 8 (track 19)

Habanera: Chopin Etude Ab (1839), Variation, 16 sets of 8 (track 12)

Hora: Bartok sz 56 #3, Variation 2, 16 sets of 8 (track 3)

Marches: Beethoven 32 Variations in C Minor, WoO 80, Adaptation, 28 sets of 8 (track 6)

Marches: Bizet L’Arlesienne Suite 1, Farandole, Adaptation, 32 sets of 8 (track 10)

Petit Allegro in 2: Bizet Carmen, Gypsy Song: Adaptation 2, 32 sets of 8 (track 8)

Petit Allegro in 2: Gershwin “Who Cares?” 4 Variations, 32 sets of 8 (track 25)

Extended Polka Schnell: Chopin Op 70 #1, Variation, 32 sets of 8 (track 14)

Polka Schnell: Dvorak Op 46 #3, Variation, 32 sets of 8 (track 18)

Tango: Bartok sz 56 #4, Variation, 8 sets of 8 (track 5)    

Tango-Rhumba: Dvorak op 72 #2, Variation 2, 12 sets of 8 (track 20)


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